Atrocities — graphic pictures

Atrocities — graphic pictures
2 photos of a dead baby killed in Palestine by Israel.

Photo of dead babies killed in Palestine by Israel.











Photo of dead babies killed in Palestine by Israel. 


Man cries over dead youth.

Israel Soldier pointing gun at a terrified child
Photo of an Israeli soldier pointing gun at a terrified child in front of his father and mother.

Israel killing Palestine children
Photo of a dead child killed by Israel.


Atrocities — graphic pictures Atrocities — graphic pictures
Photo of a dead baby killed by Israel.


Atrocities — graphic pictures.

They burn toddlers to death

They burn toddlers to death.

Atrocities — graphic pictures.

They kill mothers with their babies

They kill mothers with their babies.


Atrocities — graphic pictures.

Shote dead sitting on the street

Shot dead sitting on the street.


Atrocities — graphic pictures.

Mom shot dead in front of child

Mom shot dead in front of child.


Atrocities — graphic pictures.

A father and son caught in a cross fire.

A father and son caught in a cross fire.


Atrocities — graphic pictures.

The father pleads, Don't shoot, while the terrified son hides. The father pleads "Don't shoot" while the terrified son hides.


Atrocities — graphic pictures.

Father tries to shield his son from the bullets, and to look for an escape.

The father tries to shield his son and looks for escape. . .





















Atrocities — graphic pictures.

The brutal Israel forces open fire.

But the brutal Israelis open fire. . .


Atrocities — graphic pictures.

The son is shot dead while in his fathers lap.

The father is critically wounded.

The son is dead in his fathers lap;
the father is critically wounded



Frail old men are not spared from Israel attacks

Frail old men are not spared.














Chart showing that approximately six times more Palestinians have been killed than Israelis.





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1 Smámynd: Sigurđur Haraldsson

Viđbjóđur og ţetta verja Bandaríkjamenn međ kjafti og klóm!

Sigurđur Haraldsson, 5.11.2011 kl. 21:37

2 Smámynd: Elle_

Já, satt Sigurđur.  Hvílíkt ógeđ og mađur skammast sín fyrir Bandaríkjastjórn og alla sem viđbjóđinn styđja. 

Elle_, 6.11.2011 kl. 00:00

3 Smámynd: Elle_

Grimmdina og viđbjóđinn.

Elle_, 6.11.2011 kl. 00:01

4 Smámynd: Elle_

En ţađ eru líka nokkrir í landinu sem styđja kúgun Ísrael gegn Palestínu.  Og ég skil ekki ađ ţú hafir komist hingađ inn, Sigurđur.  Pistillinn var skrifađur fyrir tćpu 1+1/2 ári og ég vissi ekki einu sinni ađ hann vćri enn opinn.   Pistillinn sem ég var ađ skrifa um Palestínu er ţarna: RANGLĆTI OG VILLURÖK.

Og nokkrir eldri:

Elle_, 8.11.2011 kl. 19:26

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