Bloggfęrslur mįnašarins, nóvember 2009



Ögmundur, viš skuldum ekki Icesave.  Enginn, ekki fęrustu lagaprófessorar, hafa getaš vķsaš ķ nein lög sem gera ķslensku žjóšina og rķkissjóš Ķslands įbyrgan fyrir Icesave, ekkert frekar en bresku og hollensku rķkissjóšina og žjóširnar.   Bretar og Hollendingar fóru meš eftirlit bankans ķ žeirra löndum ekki sķšur en viš og eru jafnsekir fyrir mistökunum.  

Žaš er ekki ykkar aš velja hvort viš veršum pķnd inn ķ žręlasamning aš ólöglegri kröfu Evrópubandalagsins, Breta og Hollendinga.  Žaš er ekki ykkar, Breta eša Hollendinga aš rįša žvķ aš tekin séu af okkur žau sjįlfsögšu mannréttindi aš verja okkur fyrir dómi.  Siguršur Lķndal og fjöldi lögspekinga hefur neitaš lagalegri įbyrgš okkar fyrir Icesave.  Og sišferšileg skylda okkar er ENGU STĘRRI en Breta og Hollendinga sjįlfra og Evrópubandalagsins ķ heild sinni.    

Hafniš žessari naušung.  Haldi Bretar og Hollendingar sig hafa löglega kröfu į rķkissjóš munu žeir sękja okkur fyrir dómi.  Žaš vilja žeir žó ALLS EKKI vegna žess aš žeir vita aš Icesave krafan er ólögleg kśgun.  Viš fórum eftir EVRÓPULÖGUM.  EES lögum sem segja skżrum oršum aš EKKI MEGI gera rķkissjóši landa įbyrga fyrir innlįnstrygginum hafi yfirvöld framfylgt lögunum eins og viš geršum.  Žeir vilja aš viš gjöldum laga žeirra sem geršu ekki rįš fyrir allsherjar-bankahruni heils lands.  Žeir vita aš ef žeir geta ekki gert okkur sek ķ hugum fólks muni fólk gera įhlaup į alla banka ķ Evrópu.  Žeir vita aš EKKERT land getur stašiš undir allsherjar-bankahruni.   Žeir vita upp į sig sökina, enda bśnir aš endurskrifa lögin og ętla aftur į bak meš ólöglega kröfu į okkur.  Og aum ķslensk stjórnvöld vilja ekki hafna naušunginni.  Og Jóhanna Sig. hótar enn vetrarfrosti og öllu illu ef viš ekki borgum reikning sem viš skuldum ekki.  Glępur śt af fyrir sig.       

Hafniš žręlasamningi gegn litlum börnum og ófęddum börnum, foreldrum og gamalmennum žessa lands ef žiš ekki viljiš aš allir flżji.  Hafniš Icesave alfariš og hęttiš aš ręša žessa upplognu skuld ķ Alžingi.  Rukkiš ašalskuldara Icesave, Björgólf Thor Björgólfsson Londonbśa og haldiš okkur utan viš Icesave.  

Og svo ég noti gömul orš Steingrķms Još: Žaš eru gungur og druslur sem ekki standa ķ lappirnar gegn yfirgangi.  Ykkur hefur ekki veriš hótaš lķflįti og ykkur veršur žvķ ALDREI fyrirgefiš ef žiš ętliš aš hleypa óendanlegri naušunginni ķ gegn til aš Jóhanna og co. geti dregiš okkur nišurlęgš inn ķ Evrópubandalagiš til óvina okkar Breta og Hollendinga og til aš žiš getiš haldiš vinstri stjórn.  Žaš yrši ekki löng vinstri stjórn, Ögmundur.  Viš lįtum ekki fara svona meš okkur.


ES: Ég skrifaši žetta bréf ķ sķšu Ögmundar Jónassonar ķ dag, 29. nóv., 09.   Hann birti žaš 2. des.:


As a citizen of Iceland and a parent I am compelled to write to you all about the Icesave coercion and extortion by the EU, the IMF, the British and the Dutch governments and with the obvious underlying help of the Swedish government, against the Icelandic nation.  It is clear to most of us what is happening and we will NOT stand for it.  We will write all over the world if that is what it takes and so have many Icelanders and foreigners.  
ICESAVE, or ICE-SLAVE as it is commonly called in Iceland, is NOT the obligation of the public of Iceland.  Icesave is a PRIVATE debt of a PRIVATE BANKRUPT BANK.  The main owner was Björgólfur Thor Björgólfsson of London, England.  He was the biggest owner of Landsbanki (the Icesave bank) and so he is the main debtor of Icesave. 
The Icelandic public does NOT owe Icesave.  The British and the Dutch governments and the EU are lying to the world about the Icesave issue.  They misuse their power with the IMF to force the Icelandic public to pay Icesave and it will destroy us.  Should the Icelandic government sign this illegal slave-contract, we will never finsih paying this horror.  Only the interest will bankrupt us and the balance will stay unpaid.  With Icesave it is the intention of the British and the Dutch to use us as a source of revenue.  It has clearly come out in the open and people over here have started writing about this and opposing it heavily.  The opposing political parties are outraged.  
Many people have fled the country and many more will flee if the slave-contract goes through the parliament.  We will NOT live in our country as slaves.  People call this ICE-SLAVE or another Versailles Contract multiplied.
Many economists, lawyers and others have opposed the legality of Icesave, both in Iceland and overseas.  Our most respected law professors claim there is NO LAW THAT OBLIGATES THE ICELANDIC NATION TO PAY ICESAVE.  
The Icesave bank (Landsbanki) operated undir EEA/EU laws and under the supervision of 3 countries: Britain, the Netherlands and Iceland.  NOT ONLY ICELAND.  The EEA or EU legal authorities never issued a legal complaint against the operation of Icesave.  The European law was faulty and rather than taking the responsibility for it, the EU looked for a scapegoat and Iceland was easy.  We did not write the law, we followed it.  Following is the law the Icesave bank operated under: 
From the EEA/EU directive 94/19/EC,

"Whereas this Directive may not result in the Member States' or their competent authorities' being made liable in respect of depositors if they have ensured that one or more schemes guaranteeing deposits or credit institutions themselves and ensuring the compensation or protection of depositors under the conditions prescribed in this Directive have been introduced and officially recognized." 
The Icelandic government fulfilled this EEA/EU law, even though the British and the Dutch governments say the opposite.  Nobody, not the EU, not the IMF, or anybody else, can come after the fact and demand we pay what we do not owe.  We WILL NOT be bullied.  We WILL NOT be humiliated any longer.  We WILL NOT be exploited by the EU, the IMF and those 2 old colonizing powers.  We will not be their new colony and pay for extortion.  I feel for the all the people who lost their money.  Yet we cannot pay what we do not owe.  
Only one political party here, the party of Jóhanna Siguršardóttir (prime minister) and Össur Skarphéšinsson (foreign minister) are very willing to do anything for the EU, their key and private issue.  And this has damaged our cause greatly against the external oppressive forces and isolated us.  Instead of speaking publicly for their own nation in the world, they yes-ed everything the EU demanded.  Totally against the will of the vast majority of the people and to our utter disgust and outrage.  Close to 90% of the nation is opposed to paying Icesave.  It appears that the 10% left must be the supporters of the corrupted political party.  A group of lawyers have filed a legal complaint against the politicians who intend to force illegal Icesave upon us. The people are collecting signatures in order to compell our President not to sign the horrenduous Icesave bill.
NOTE: Jóhanna and Össur“s political party is the only political party with EU on the agenda.  However, they only got 29% of the total votes and the majority of the Icelandic voters do NOT want to join the EU and have NO intention of doing so. So the EU, the Dutch and the U. K. parliaments need to STOP threatening our politicians by telling them we will not be allowed to join the EU if we do not pay ICESAVE.  At least 3 members (1 econmomist and 2 lawyers) of our parliament have reported threats of this nature.  And thank god we will not be allowed to join a uninon with the agressors: Britain and the Netherlands and a few other overpowering nations.  With the utmost regard for the other nations within the EU.      
If the British and the Dutch believe they have a legal claim, they should file one in a court of law.  But no, they will NOT have it.  They want to deny us our constitutional right to do so.  They absolutely DO NOT want this in front of a judge.  Do people not find that odd or suspicious???   No, they want to force the Icelandic government to sign a contract saying we will NOT follow a court judgementTHAT WE WILL NOT FOLLOW A COURT JUDGEMENET.  That if a court decides with us, we can TALK to them, our agressors, and DISCUSS the judgement with THEM.  This is a criminal coercion.
The IMF has gone all over the world for a very long time and exploited and destroyed countries.  They force countries into colossal debt in order to collect money for City Bank and other huge banks and LARGER AND STRONGER countries like Britain and the Netherlands.  The IMF does this KNOWING these countries can NEVER pay the colossal debt or extortion.  That is a part of the plan to bankrupt the countries they pretend to be helping.  To bankrupt the countries“ companies and the people.
They keep interest rates high for the wealthy and drain the economy, they demand intolerable cuts in education and health care,  they demand very high taxes.  Then when the slaves can no longer pay - just like the IMF knew they couldn“t - they come in and demand property very cheap: They privatize the countries“ banks, companies and natural resources.  They have started this process in Iceland and Latvia. 
The IMF did this in Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Panama, India and many, many other countries in Africa, Asia and South-America.  Now many of these countries are so-called 3rd world countries: Destitude and poor after the colonial and IMF exploitation.  The IMF should be shut down.  Now the IMF is in the process of destroying Iceland and Latvia. 
We will NOT live in OUR country as slaves.  We will NOT pay the illegal ICESAVE.   
Andrew Hill: For you the war is over:
In Iceland, this plan is compared with the Versailles treaty, blamed for wrecking Germany's economy after the first world war. It's a crass parallel. Yes, the Icesave collapse was in part a consequence of a wider economic campaign organised by generals who had no idea what they were doing. True, Britain did then use bully-boy tactics against Iceland that it would never have used against a bigger partner such as, say, India (another country whose banks were offering lofty interest rates to UK savers at the same time):
Eva Joly: Gordon Brown is wrong, Britain played a part in Icelandic bank collapse:

Joseph Stiglitz:
After watching the IMF at work during the 1997 East Asian economic crisis, Joseph E. Stiglitz, 2001 winner of Nobel Prize in economics, wrote in April 2000:
“I was chief economist at the World Bank from 1996 until last November, during the gravest global economic crisis in a half-century. I saw how the IMF, in tandem with the U.S. Treasury Department, responded. And I was appalled.”
“The IMF may not have become the bill collector of the G-7, but it clearly worked hard (though not always successfully) to make sure that the G-7 lenders got repaid.”
 Michael Hudson: Can Iceland and Latvia pay the foreign debts run up by a fairly narrow layer of their population? The European Union and International Monetary Fund have told them to replace private debts with public obligations, and to pay by raising taxes, slashing public spending and obliging citizens to deplete their savings:
Nathan Lewis: IMF destroys Iceland and Latvia; The IMF should be abolished:
ES: Žetta bréf var sent til alžjóšasamtaka og fjölda landsstjórna 19. - 27.  nóv., 09. 


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