Stefan Fule














Stefan Füle should not interfere with Iceland´s internal affairs in Iceland, whether publicly or otherwise.  The vast majority of Iceland voters have absolutely no intention of ever joining the EU.  This is a private issue of one political party, that of Jóhanna and Össur and their 19% of voters.  The ridiculous application into the union which was forced through the Parliament on July 16, 2009 by this same flock should never have been accepted by the EU and should be stopped no later than now.  It is not Fule´s business what we feel about the union or whether we have ´delusions or fears´ about the union, per his article on October 14th in Morgunblađiđ.  We do not need his education nor that of anyone else about the union.  Nor do we tolerate his interference.


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1 Smámynd: Elle_

Og ţarna er hann kominn ţó ýmsir vilji hann út.

Elle_, 19.10.2011 kl. 23:50

2 Smámynd: Helga Kristjánsdóttir

   Elle,  ríkisstjórnin stefnir á alrćđi. Nú skal knýja á ţá ţingmenn sem láta ţessa grófu ađför yfir okkur ganga,ađ ţeir grípi til mótmćla,sem kveđur ađ. Ég vil efna til mótmćla viđ Stjórnarráđiđ. M.b. K.v.

Helga Kristjánsdóttir, 20.10.2011 kl. 00:19

3 Smámynd: Elle_

Helga, já, Jóhanna og co. og kannski líka Steingrímur, stefna á alrćđi og eru stórhćttulegir stjórnmálamenn.  Og ţađ er löngu lýđum ljóst ađ ţau vađa yfir allt og alla og brjóta lög og stjórnarskrá.

Vegna pósts frá vini varđandi 2 orđ í pistlinum vil ég segja ađ ég gerđi ţađ viljandi ađ nota ţarna orđiđ FLOCK yfir Jóhönnuflokkinn.  Notađi fyrst party og nćst FLOCK.  Notađi líka ICELAND VOTERS viljandi frekar en Icelandic voters og fannst ţađ mýkra.   ICELAND VOTERS er oft notađ:

Iceland voters reject repaying $5 billion foreign debt - CNN.com

Iceland voters reject debt repayment deal | BreakingNews.ie

Iceland Voters Set to Reject Debt Deal - NYTimes.com

Elle_, 20.10.2011 kl. 15:01

4 Smámynd: Elle_

Fann brandara aldarinnar:

Iceland: Next to join EU ranks?

Article | October 19, 2011 - 6:07pm | 

Enlargement Commissioner Štefan Füle is visiting Iceland on 19-20 October, his first trip to the country since it applied for EU membership in July 2009. His visit will allow the opportunity to discuss the content of the 2011 Progress Report on Iceland with representatives in the capital, Reyljavik. The next steps in the accession process will be discussed.

"Negotiations with Iceland have had a good start and are progressing well, we have excellent cooperation. Iceland and the European Union already share many policies, a lot of legislation, and our economies are well integrated," said Füle.

During his trip, the commissioner will meet with the prime minister, foreign minister, speaker of the parliament and other Iceland government officials. So far, four negotiation chapters of membership have been opened, two of which have been closed. The European Commission published a report on Iceland’s preparedness to meet EU legislative requirements last week, noting positive results. An EU Information Centre will be opened in Reykjavik soon to allow for public debate about the EU.

An EU Information Centre will be opened in Reykjavik soon to allow for public debate about the EU. 


Elle_, 20.10.2011 kl. 23:03

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